REHPA inviterer til international workshop om skrivning og narrativ medicin den 3. oktober.
Tirsdag den 3. oktober 2017 inviterer REHPA i samarbejde med Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU til en workshop om narrativ medicin. Hovednavnet på workshoppen bliver den internationalt anerkendte medicinske professor Rita Charon fra Columbia University, USA.
13:00 Welcome and introduction
Ann-Dorthe Zwisler, Head of Centre and Professor, introduces REHPA and the exploratory motivation for carrying out writing workshops at REHPA.
13:15 The power and significance of narratives: Why writing and reading narratives are important in health and severe illness
Rita Charon, Professor, Columbia University, author of the book ”Narrative medicine. Honoring the stories of illness” (2006), gives a lecture on this topic based on her extensive knowledge and experience in this field.
14:15 Break
14:30 The affective meeting
Merete Mazzarella, Professor, University of Helsinki, author of the book ”Den goda beröringen: Om kropp, hälsa, vård och litteratur” [The good touch: on the body, health, care and literature] (2006), introduces her work on narratives in medicine, focusing on literature and creative writing.
15:00 An anthropological evaluation of a Writing Workshop at REHPA
Helle Ploug Hansen, Professor, Research unit of General Practice, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, presents the preliminary results from the first Writing Workshop held at REHPA focusing on the participants’ experience based on participant-observation and ethnographic interviews.
15:30 Panel discussion and closing remarks
Narrative medicine: finding the way ahead in rehabilitation and palliative care, chaired by Helle Timm, Professor, REHPA.
16:00 End
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